tabula - Analysis and Visualization of Archaeological Count Data
An easy way to examine archaeological count data. This package provides several tests and measures of diversity: heterogeneity and evenness (Brillouin, Shannon, Simpson, etc.), richness and rarefaction (Chao1, Chao2, ACE, ICE, etc.), turnover and similarity (Brainerd-Robinson, etc.). It allows to easily visualize count data and statistical thresholds: rank vs abundance plots, heatmaps, Ford (1962) and Bertin (1977) diagrams, etc.
Last updated 30 days ago
8.26 score 35 stars 2 dependents 39 scripts 454 downloads
khroma - Colour Schemes for Scientific Data Visualization
Color schemes ready for each type of data (qualitative, diverging or sequential), with colors that are distinct for all people, including color-blind readers. This package provides an implementation of Paul Tol (2018) and Fabio Crameri (2018) <doi:10.5194/gmd-11-2541-2018> color schemes for use with 'graphics' or 'ggplot2'. It provides tools to simulate color-blindness and to test how well the colors of any palette are identifiable. Several scientific thematic schemes (geologic timescale, land cover, FAO soils, etc.) are also implemented.
Last updated 30 days ago
7.13 score 10 dependents 516 scripts 1.5k downloads
aion - Archaeological Time Series
A toolkit for archaeological time series and time intervals. This package provides a system of classes and methods to represent and work with archaeological time series and time intervals. Dates are represented as "rata die" and can be converted to (virtually) any calendar defined by Reingold and Dershowitz (2018) <doi:10.1017/9781107415058>. This packages offers a simple API that can be used by other specialized packages.
Last updated 2 months ago
5.37 score 3 dependents 20 scripts 540 downloads
nexus - Sourcing Archaeological Materials by Chemical Composition
Exploration and analysis of compositional data in the framework of Aitchison (1986, ISBN: 978-94-010-8324-9). This package provides tools for chemical fingerprinting and source tracking of ancient materials.
Last updated 11 days ago
5.17 score 1 dependents 26 scripts 316 downloads
folio - Datasets for Teaching Archaeology and Paleontology
Datasets for teaching quantitative approaches and modeling in archaeology and paleontology. This package provides several types of data related to broad topics (cultural evolution, radiocarbon dating, paleoenvironments, etc.), which can be used to illustrate statistical methods in the classroom (multivariate data analysis, compositional data analysis, diversity measurement, etc.).
Last updated 5 months ago
5.14 score 13 stars 1 dependents 2 scripts 423 downloads
isopleuros - Ternary Plots
Ternary plots made simple. This package allows to create ternary plots using 'graphics'. It provides functions to display the data in the ternary space, to add or tune graphical elements and to display statistical summaries. It also includes common ternary diagrams which are useful for the archaeologist (e.g. soil texture charts, ceramic phase diagram).
Last updated 3 months ago
5.08 score 9 stars 3 dependents 2 scripts 274 downloads
dimensio - Multivariate Data Analysis
Simple Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and (Multiple) Correspondence Analysis (CA) based on the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). This package provides S4 classes and methods to compute, extract, summarize and visualize results of multivariate data analysis. It also includes methods for partial bootstrap validation described in Greenacre (1984, ISBN: 978-0-12-299050-2) and Lebart et al. (2006, ISBN: 978-2-10-049616-7).
Last updated 1 months ago
4.95 score 3 dependents 9 scripts 556 downloads
kairos - Analysis of Chronological Patterns from Archaeological Count Data
A toolkit for absolute and relative dating and analysis of chronological patterns. This package includes functions for chronological modeling and dating of archaeological assemblages from count data. It provides methods for matrix seriation. It also allows to compute time point estimates and density estimates of the occupation and duration of an archaeological site.
Last updated 2 months ago
4.56 score 1 dependents 11 scripts 321 downloads
arkhe - Tools for Cleaning Rectangular Data
A dependency-free collection of simple functions for cleaning rectangular data. This package allows to detect, count and replace values or discard rows/columns using a predicate function. In addition, it provides tools to check conditions and return informative error messages.
Last updated 2 months ago
3.98 score 7 dependents 3 scripts 865 downloadsArchaeoCal - An R Interface to 'OxCal'
What the package does (one paragraph).
Last updated 23 days ago
2.30 score 2 stars